Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Globala mål engelska

On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.

There are 14 English pages and 18 Swedish pages that are tagged with GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING. The content may vary depending on language.

AMIR - research project

The research project AMIR (assessment of mental health and early intervention for refugees) aims to develop and evaluate methods for assessment and intervention of mental illness among refugees.

Teaching recovery techniques

The project aims to test a group-intervention, Teaching Recovery Techniques (TRT), to prevent trauma related symptoms among refugee children and youth in Sweden.


How is airway health influenced by physical activity in cold environments? This is the main question for this research project that started in 2015.

Refugee Health Screener

On behalf of The National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) researchers at Miun monitors the implementation of the self-assessment scale Refugee Health Screener (RHS) within student...


Development and evalutation of internet-based methods for assessment and treatment of mental ill-health among refugees. A research collaboration with LiU and KI.

Safety systems for head injuries

With the help of a constructed surrogate head with many sensors, the researchers hope to gain knowledge of what is happening in the brain during trauma to the head. In this way, even better safety...

MIUN Psychology Practice

The psychology practice at MIUN is part of the psychologist program and meetings are led by psychology students studying the last year of their Master's degree.

The page was updated 10/2/2019